I lay points of a dining constellation, recreating an already consumed meal, a gathering of plates within the meta tray. A meal within the meal within a ritualistic reconfigured domestic surreal circle! Layers of interconnected narratives spiral subliminally out of this plate into the spatial plate-circle mega tray: recreating the space for me to physically engage the violent everyday search for ideal wellness, supposed fast health. Enforcing healing as if it could be consumed, outlining the issues that build in and out of relationships to the body, food, and the trauma that is cast between the two. I hide the performance in plain sight just like all food disorders operate in one's life. The binge is layered in a liminal space of contradictions between the familiar gathering rituals and the lonely habits, between conscious and unconscious, between the learned, the inherited and the secretive.
The audience accesses the performance solely through phones positioned around the installation, denied entry into the inner dialogue that unfolds. Here, the screens are transformed into portals of intimacy, stripping away superficial appearances. Through this raw and personal medium—the phone—each spectator is isolated, confined to observe alone. It is a space overrun with the artifacts of self-display, cycles of posting and pretense, where the screen format itself is subverted. The act of consuming rosemary’s roots becomes a meditation on our fragmented relationship to healing and vulnerability. In this space, attempts at wellness feel distorted, twisted—something wicked and turned the wrong way.
The Rosemary artwork was later developed as a series of digital collages and prints.
Terra Torta,
Digital Photography, 2022
Cosmo Cake, Digital Photography, 2022
Cosmo Dine altars, Digital Collage, 2022
The present and the missing, Digital Collage, 2022
Cosmo Dine altars, Digital Collage, 2022
The present and the missing, Digital Collage, 2022